Finomatic Consulting

Bespoke solutions

We present visualisations from completed client projects, including customer-level revenue forecasting and SaaS reporting.

Revenue forecasting

We have collated financial data from six different sources to produce a simple yet detailed report. This helped our client to make better strategic decisions and accurately track in-year revenue performance.

The different sources of information used to produce this analysis were:

  1. Sage sub-ledger – YTD revenue recognised by client and by type ;
  2. Sage contract module – Revenue already recognised for in-flight projects to calculate the remaining balance on these contracts ;
  3. Data warehouse – Implementation completion dates and monthly revenue forecasting for in-flight projects ;
  4. Salesforce closed contracts – Expected revenue for projects which are signed but have not yet started ;
  5. Salesforce pipeline – Revenue forecast for projects which are not yet closed ; and
  6. Chief Revenue Officer assumptions – Pipeline scenario planning (e.g. changing opportunity close dates and weighting assumptions).

The ongoing maintenance of this project is managed by our client’s Head of Sales, who does not have a background in data analytics. This demonstrates our ability to create an easy-to-use solution for a highly complex problem.

Please note that the interactive dashboard demonstration is not available on mobile phone devices. Please use a tablet or desktop.

ARR calculations

This project involved collating and reconciling financial data from our client’s five different reporting entities (each with multiple currencies). We extracted this customer-level information from their accounting system (Sage) and mapped it to their CRM (Salesforce). This data engineering process allowed us to produce a real-time and accurate view of both live and contracted ARR on a constant currency basis. The CFO also needed to analyse the data by client and by revenue stream, while maintaining a clearly defined audit trail and the ability to drill into the data on a granular level.

Please note that the interactive ARR dashboard below takes 30 seconds to initially load.
After that, the interactive features will run smoothly.

Please note that the interactive dashboard demonstration is not available on mobile phone devices. Please use a tablet or desktop.

SaaS reporting metrics