Finomatic Consulting

Payback calculator

We help our clients to make more informed data-driven decisions and delay the need for a senior FP&A hire.

How much do our clients save?

Our clients typically come to us when they want to supercharge their growth through data-driven decision making. However, their finance teams are often overstretched and would require an additional senior finance hire to perform the FP&A role. Our one-off projects allow companies to benefit from these insights quickly, while also saving money by delaying the need for this senior finance hire.

Use our pricing calculator below to see how much your organisation could save by engaging Finomatic. This payback calculator is a deliberately conservative calculation because there are a number of additional benefits which are difficult to quantify. These benefits include the ability to:

  • Supercharge growth through more informed data-driven decisions ;
  • Reinvest cash savings into sales and marketing ;
  • Be ready for a corporate finance transaction at any time ; and
  • Save on advisory fees at the point of a transaction.

Note that the interactive dashboard demonstration is not available on mobile phone devices. Please use a tablet or desktop.

**Fully loading refers to employee costs which are not captured in salary plus bonus. These typically include: pension, employer national insurance, allocation of overheads, training, recruitment fees, time invested in hiring process, IT equipment, management time, office space, payroll administration, internal meetings, employer liability insurance, employee benefits (e.g. health insurance) and incentives (e.g. stock options).

Company size



  • Revenue <£5m
  • Single entity
  • Domestic business
  • 1-2 revenue streams
  • <100 customers
  • <50 employees



  • Revenue £5-30m
  • Multiple entities
  • International business
  • 3-4 revenue streams
  • 100-600 customers
  • 50-300 employees



  • Revenue £30m+
  • Multiple entities
  • International business
  • 5+ revenue streams
  • 600+ customers
  • 300+ employees
  • Different divisional and legal entity view