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We answer the questions which technology CFOs and investors frequently ask about us and our engagements.

Why did you start Finomatic?

While working in corporate finance, clients repeatedly mentioned that the best information they ever had about their business was when they were about to sell it. This gave us the idea to start a business giving software companies these valuable insights much earlier in the journey, helping them to maximise growth.

Also, talking to investors revealed their frustration with data quality and the time required to understand and reconcile the data when assessing investment opportunities. Our solutions give our clients robust KPIs in real-time, which drive directly from source systems allowing them to make better strategic decisions as well as be ready for a corporate finance transaction at any time.

Why use Finomatic and not another provider?

  • Corporate finance expertise – We understand that the ‘so what’ from the data is what really matters. We always focus on identifying the key drivers of business performance and how these will impact future growth.
  • Team continuity – We are a family business. This means there are no internal politics or staff turnover – we are solely focused on developing high-quality solutions. You will also have a single point of contact for the entire engagement with us.
  • Investor perspective – We are in regular contact with investors in the technology space, so we know what they are looking for.
  • Our network – We are active members of the FinTech community, so we have access to a network of experts. We are also constantly learning about new developments in the industry, meaning that our projects will always be completed to the highest standard.

I am interested in working with you. What are the next steps?

Great! We would love to hear about your company. Click here to fill out our ‘Understanding your business’ form and then you will be able to book a call with us.

How do you price your projects?

All of our projects are fixed-fee engagements and vary depending on the size of the organisation. Click here to find out how we categorise our customers.

Typically our clients come to us when their finance team are stretched, and they are considering a senior hire to lead their FP&A activities. We help companies quickly get back on top of things and push out the need for this senior hire in the short term meaning they can focus on finding the right candidate in their own time. Click here to view our pricing calculator and find out how much you could save by engaging Finomatic.

Who we help

Do you only work with software companies?

Our solutions and expertise would be applicable for companies in any sectors. However, we focus primarily on software and technology companies as we are in frequent contact with investors in these sectors and can therefore provide the most added value there.

What size of clients do you work with?

Most of our clients are software companies with between 25-500 employees. This is typically the spectrum where clients have started generating meaningful data but haven’t yet hired a full-time FP&A director.

Do you act as an intermediary in a transaction?

We do not replace an investment bank in a corporate finance transaction as we would not get involved in deal-specific activities such as approaching buyers and term sheet negotiations. However, we typically work alongside your bankers to ensure the transaction process runs as smoothly as possible.

What we do

What is your process?

  1. Examination – We review your data sources and processes to check for any irregularities, duplications or inconsistencies.
  2. Transformation – We aggregate your systems, analyse the financial data and determine the appropriate KPIs for your business.
  3. Presentation – We present the information and ensure you have visibility of all required financial data and KPIs.
  4. Optimisation – We ensure that this data is always readily available and is structured to help you make more informed data-driven decisions.

Do you offer ongoing support after the project?

As our tools are created specifically for each client’s needs, they are typically self-sufficient and don’t require ongoing support. However, we do support our clients past the initial term if they wish to help them get maximum value from their data. The level of ongoing support is normally driven by the capacity and skill set of the client’s finance team.

Our ongoing services range from helping our clients prepare for board meetings, creating their medium to long-term strategy using the insights from their data, or assisting them with a corporate finance transaction.

If there is no imminent transaction, what is the benefit of a full FP&A review?

Capitalise on opportunities – corporate finance transactions often take six to nine months to complete, and by then, the opportune moment to sell may have passed. Having all your financial information ready to go at all times means you can capitalise on any inbound acquisition interest and maximise shareholder returns.

Maximise company value – Potential investors need to see all of your financial data in this format anyway. Why not leverage these valuable insights in the day-to-day management of your business?1 This will help you to grow and optimise your positioning at the point of sale. Common focus areas include: identifying optimal customer profiles and enhancing productivity.

Interested in finding out more?
We would love to learn more about your business.
Please fill in our form and we will get back to you shortly.
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