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Technology companies

We guarantee you greater confidence in your financial data. This allows you to make more informed strategic decisions.​

Did you know...?

The health of your business can be demonstrated through a unique combination of financial metrics.
Understanding and monitoring these data points in real time allows you to pivot, make better decisions and maximise growth.
These same metrics will also be used by an investor / acquirer to assess your business. So, why not start tracking them now?

Technology company characteristics

Backed by private equity / venture capital – Technology companies often rely on investor funding to grow and reach profitability. But, it is common for the financial reporting infrastructure to lag behind, which makes it difficult for them to communicate with investors.

Fast growing and scalable infrastructure – Technology companies often have a higher weighting on growth potential in their valuations when compared to many other industries. In other sectors, historical profitability and the client portfolio play a much larger role.

Subscription-based recurring revenue models – Technology companies often have recurring revenue components such as: licence, hosting and support fees. Annual recurring revenue is often a key driver of valuations and therefore retention metrics are particularly important.


  • Revenue <£5m
  • Single entity
  • Domestic business
  • 1-2 revenue streams
  • <100 customers
  • <50 employees


  • Revenue £5-30m
  • Multiple entities
  • International business
  • 3-4 revenue streams
  • 100-600 customers
  • 50-300 employees


  • Revenue £30m+
  • Multiple entities
  • International business
  • 5+ revenue streams
  • 600+ customers
  • 300+ employees
  • Different divisional and legal entity view

Technology company challenges

Before Finomatic

During our years of experience working with technology companies, we have observed a number of common themes. Senior management often:

  • Lack confidence in strategic decision making due to incorrect or incomplete data
  • Have little experience of fundraising from institutional investors
  • Overlook the value of data analytics and automation expertise in the finance function, which results in overstretched teams
  • Are not prepared for a financial due diligence process at short notice
  • Do not have instant access to relevant KPIs due to time-consuming processes

What you currently do: Struggle with strategic decisions due to data quality issues

Why it matters for you

What you can now do instead: Have productive board meetings which focus on growth strategies

After Finomatic

Our solutions allow technology companies to:

  • Make informed strategic decisions – By having robust and reliable data, you can have more productive conversations with investors and focus on optimising the metrics which maximise your valuation.
  • Focus on the areas that matter most – By reducing time and money spent on repetitive tasks, senior managers can add more value by concentrating on big picture topics like client satisfaction and product development.
  • Transaction readiness – By running your business with a bespoke solution which is designed for a transaction process, you are always ready to capitalise on interest from potential investors at the opportune moment, without taking focus away from day-to-day operations.

Our solutions

We complete transformation projects with technology companies every six weeks, so we know what information you are looking for. We work closely with CFOs, finance directors, financial controllers and senior management to build a highly automated solution which is completely bespoke to your business.


  • Reconcile financial and operational data to align with your vision of the business
  • Ensure data is ready for a corporate finance transaction at any time


  • Streamline manual internal processes and reduce training time
  • Increase the speed, quality and reliability of your financial data


  • Calculate the financial metrics which are most valuable to your investors
  • Provide a highly customisable view which gives you new insights into the data

Why is it important to act sooner rather than later?

Unlocking investor confidence

Click below to download 'Unlocking investor confidence: 5 metrics to master for high-growth technology companies'.


Customer acquisition metrics

Click below to download 'Maximising ROI: A deep dive into customer acquisition metrics and best practices'.


Why do we focus on the technology sector?

Other videos

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